Sunday, September 1, 2013

Castle Tours - The Bed Chamber: Early Stages

Hello, Viewers and Visitors!

Gather round, everybody – there we are! If all you line up, we will now walk down the corridor towards the West Wing, and behold the Bed Chamber. Watch your step – the corridor is narrow!

This room has undergone a few changes over the years. First, when I moved in, it was the Single Girl’s Dream of Romance. The walls were bright candy pink, the curtains were all lace and roses, and the canopy bed was really a dream come true! It came from the Spiegel catalogue, was an absolute find at just under $400, and the perfect embodiment of all my longings. Never in my life, before or after, have I had a room that so fulfilled my girlish fancy.
A slightly crooked close-up of the bed canopy, decorated with fairy lights and rose garlands.

The throw I made from an old satin bedspread - I  lined it with fake fur,
which was wide enough to make a 5" edge all around it.
Dreamy luxury for a modest sum...

Frippery galore, like a real boudoir - those were the days...
After almost a year and a half of this aesthetic bliss His Lordship moved in and perforce the room had to change. In all fairness – we had gotten married the day before, so I guess he figured he had a right… The full-size bed gave way to a king-size one, which was really too big for the 11 x 12 foot room, but we reasoned that it was better to be cramped in the room than in the bed. Consequently, with the pink cabinet moving in the following year, only small strips of floor remained available for walking purposes, but we are comfortable at night, which is what really counts.

Oh, yes – the Pink Cabinet: There are many favorite things in my world, and among them is my vintage china display cabinet (yes, both the china and the cabinet are vintage). The cabinet was a gift from a very dear friend, who moved to a somewhat smaller (but nicer) house some years ago. She felt there was no place in her new, slimmer, living/dining room for this breakfront, which had originally belonged to her late Mother, so she asked me if I wanted it. What a question! 

The Pink Cabinet - just what every bedroom needs...
It came with a shiny, brown, wood finish, so my first move was to make it pink. Obviously! Now, as you know, there was never any space for a breakfront in my living/dining room either, so I put it in the bedroom. Here it houses all manner of things, from the above-mentioned china to His Lordship’s socks. (Except for those he likes to keep lying about on the floor.)

It took a good while for me to reconfigure – myself? – the room? – my new life? after we got married, and for quite some time we just made do with a set-up that was much less than ideal. His Lordship had violent sneezing attacks every morning, and I finally realized that it was due to the frills and fluff gathering dust. Something needed to be done, but I couldn’t find the right inspiration for a make-over. The pink cabinet against against a background of pink walls was just, not too much pink – never that! – but boring, somehow; contrast was needed, depth and interest, but I couldn’t figure out what I wanted.

The decline has set in - neither pretty nor functional...

The sheets seemed exciting at first, but after a while they started to have an 
undesirable effect on my blood pressure. High time for improvement...
As you can see, something had to happen, but what? Join me next week for the make-over!

Regards from Rosebud!

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